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Move the mouse over the colors in the images. If your browser supports client-side image maps, the status line will show the 6-digit hex value for the color. Don't bother to click on the color because the link goes nowhere! 

Red=FF Red=CC Red=99 Red=66 Red=33 Red=00

Most browsers also support a list of named colors. To see the list, visit the 136 Named Browser Colors page. 
You can get the preceding six images glued together into one (13556 bytes).
Of course, you can use your browser's "Save Image As..." option to save each of the above images individually. 
You can also download the complete palette in either JASC/Paint Shop Pro format (ns216jas.zip, 616 bytes) or Microsoft format (ns216ms.zip, 512 bytes). My appologies to everyone who downloaded the JASC file in the past: my ISP's Unix server "corrupted" it by adding extra carriage-returns. The PKZIP format prevents the problem. 
Finally, you can try the Web Color Cube program (WCC.ZIP version 1.11, 7341 bytes, 97/05/07). This small Windows program works like the images above, plus you can double-click to copy the color value to the clipboard. Requires VBRUN300.DLL (VBRUN300.EXE, 246805 bytes, 93/05/12 12:00a).

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